NOTE: OLD KEY is needed to take out cylinder plug then new key is used to rekey lock. Old keys can not be used to rekey locks using the CHANGE-A-LOCK rekey kit for the cylinder pins will not work with old key. ALERT: WHAT TO DO IF KEY CAN NOT BE REMOVED AFTER LOCK HAS BEEN RE-KEYED. If your key cylinder has a screw-off end cap, tighten or loosen one or two notches at a time until you are able to remove key. If this does not work or if your lock cylinder does not have a screw-off end cap then refer to master keyed locks below. MASTER KEYED LOCK: Your lock may have been master keyed at one time.
If key can not be removed once lock has been rekeyed, then remove the key cylinder again using the follower. Remove the follower to let the top pins and springs drop out of cylinder housing. If lock has been master keyed you will have more than 5 top pins for a 5 pin cylinder lock system. Refer to the directions on how to replace the 5 top pins of equal length and the 5 springs. Do not use the other pins which drop out of the cylinder housing!
If you have a 6 pin key cylinder system then replace the 6 pins of equal length and the 6 springs.