Defiant Lock Rekeying Kit
You can also buy a rekey kit and change them yourself if you're so. Bought the schlage hardware to replace all the defiant-brand locks. defiant rekey kit. Kwikset Keyway Rekey Kit Rekeying Set 4 Keys 8 Locks 5 Pins locksmith tools by eBuilderDirect. By eBuilderDirect. $15.98 $ 15 98. FREE Shipping on eligible orders. 4.1 out of 5 stars 58. Kwikset Rekey Pins Kit Locksmith Rekeying set Tool Box 4 tools & 100 pins OEM. May 7, 2014 - If I have front door locks (entry and dead bolt) that is the cheap Home Depot 'Defiant' brand, and a back door lock that's Schlage, can they be. DEFIANT (5-pin ) Rekey Kit - $11.50. We are the manufacturer of the CHANGE-A-LOCK DEFIANT (5-pin cylinder) rekey kit which is a do-it-yourself lock rekey kit for the home, apartment dweller, and small business owner.

Rekeying a lock by replacing the pins so that can be used with a different key. This was done for a Schlage door lock but similar kits are sold and used for different brands, Dexter locks will also use the same pins. Rekeying a lock is a very simple and quick process.

Defiant Lock Rekeying Kit
I am not a locksmith and this video is for entertainment only. This is not a How-To or DIY (Do It Yourself) video, this is how I did it, only you are responsible for your actions, proceed under your own risk. Thanks for watching and reading.