Ecotect Weather Tool
Highest rated running man episode. Hello, Yes, it is possible to generate your own.wea file if you have hourly weather data for your location. Typically, you would need solar radiation data - direct and diffuse), dry bulb temperature, humidity, wind speed, and even cloudiness. You should have everything in a spreadsheet such as Excel, and save as a separated value file such as.prn.
Re: Weather Tool Activation This was such a problem with an early version of the WeatherTool released just after the transition. If you download and install a later version of Ecotect, this should sort it out for you. Range of weather conditions (ie, Seasons). Weather, but not as useful in climate -based building design. Weather Tool (Autodesk Ecotect) others.
In the Weather Tool, you can open your file and identify your data by column. Import ten save as a.wea file. It might take you some time to get it right the first time, but you should be able to do it. Let me know if you have more questions on this topic, otherwise please accept as a solution so that others can benefit from this information.
Hello, I would not worry too much about the cloudiness data; as long as you have the solar radiation data, that should be fine. The standard for cloudiness is called tenth of the sky, so if there is no clouds, the number is 0, if it is 100% cloudy, the number is 10. You can just leave the data out of your file - it will not impact Ecotect's calculations. I am attaching a sample weather data file that can be imported into the Weather Tool to save as.wea. It contains: *MONTH *DAY *HOUR *GLOBAL HORIZONTAL RADIATION *DIRECT NORMAL RADIATION *DIFFUSE HORIZONTAL RADIATION *TOTAL CLOUDINESS *DRY BULB TEMPERATURE *DEW POINT TEMPERATURE *RELATIVE HUMIDITY *WIND DIRECTION *WIND SPEED You don't have to have all of this data, but of course the more you have, the more accurate your file will be. I did not see any attachment on your post, so I could not see your file.
You can email me at Let me know if you have more questions on this topic, otherwise please accept as a solution so that others can benefit from this information. Hello ****al, Unfortunately, the file you have sent me is not sufficient to create a.wea file. You would need hourly data for the entire year, so you would have 8760 rows of data, and each column represent a data type such as temperature, humidity etc.
See the example file (.csv) I have sent you as a template. You will also need solar radiation data, as no software can convert sunshine hours into actual radiation data. I would recommend using an existing weather file from the nearest available city, such as the one bbp has sent you in the previous post.
::.wea .wea File Type Ecotect Weather File File Format Proprietary (Autodesk) Usage Open manually Rank ★ ★ ☆ Average Description WEA files are weather data files used by Autodesk Ecotect and Weather Tool. They contain weather information used for running simulations, which determine the energy efficiency of building designs.
Ecotect Weather Tool Free Download
Ecotect is a 3D building design and environmental analysis tool. It is used to predict how a building design will operate and perform. The Weather Tool is used for visualizing and analyzing hourly climate data. Autodesk acquired Ecotect from Square One Research, Ltd. Andrew Marsh in June, 2008. Open With Windows Autodesk Ecotect Analysis Updated August 4, 2009.