Materi Bahasa Inggris Smp
Materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMP ada, materi pelajaran bahasa Inggris SMA ada, juga materi bahasa Inggris SMK. Terlebih bacaan-bacaan ini gratis, dan kalian tidak perlu repot-repot untuk browsing lagi ke situs yang lain atau keluar rumah panas-panasan. Bahasa Inggris SMP Kelas 8 - KTSP Di Bahasa Inggris kelas 8, kamu akan belajar materi expressions, grammar, bermacam-macam short texts seperti announcement, postcards, sampai long texts berbentuk descriptive, recount dan narrative. Pos tentang Materi Bahasa Inggris Kelas VII yang ditulis oleh sunarta.
CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUES SPEAKING MATERIALS FOR THE NINTH GRADE STUDENTS OF SMP SECTION 1 EXPRESSING CERTAINITY AND UNCERTAINITY Are You Sure about.? Dialogue 1 Ahmad: It’s good to see you. I just remind you about the meeting after school.
Umar: Yeah, Of course. I’ll be there Ahmad: Are you sure that Ririn will come to the meeting?
Umar: I’m quite sure about that. Tom and jerry all episodes. She called me this morning. Ahmad: Oh, Okay. Dialogue 2 Siti: Are you sure about this direction? Aminah: Sorry, I’m not really sure about it. Siti: Don’t be foolish.
We have been walking so far, you know. Aminah: I can’t remember any sign. I think this is the right path. Siti: Well, we have to continue our walk.
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Don’t worry, It’s all going to be okay. • Learn the following expressions Asking for certainity Showing certainity 1. Are you sure.? Are you certain about.? Are you certain.? Are you quite sure about.? Are you really certain about.?
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I’m quite sure. I’m absolutely/fairly sure. I’m no doubt. I’ve no doubt about. I’m quite/really certain.

Showing Doubt Responding to Doubt 1. Sorry, I’m not sure. I’m not certain.
Materi Bahasa Inggris Smp Tentang Hobbies
I’m not really sure about. I’m not too sure about. I doubt that. Everything will be fine. It’s all going to be OK. It doesn’t matter Complete the following short dialogues with appropriate expressions! You and your friends are discussing the football match before watching it on television.