Reading Literary Text Grades 4-5 Student Center Activities Aligned to the Common Core State Standards Go to: These activities were designed as small group activities to provide students with additional opportunities to practice skills that were previously instructed. Sometimes an activity will be appropriate for reinforcing a standard in multiple grade levels (e.g., one of the activities designed for grades 2–3 may be usable in grade 1). However, the activity may contain materials such as vocabulary or text that is above a first grade reading level. We suggest that teachers adapt the materials to suit their students’ needs (e.g., change the vocabulary to more appropriate words). These activities are designated in the table by an asterisk (*). Coding The standards are coded in the following manner: The first letter(s) designates the strand (e.g., L = Language).
The first number or “K” indicates the grade. The second number indicates the standard. When a lower case letter follows the second number, it indicates that it is a grade specific expectation of that standard. Other Resources Refer to the Center on Instruction documents for the. The English Language Arts Common Core State Standards can be downloaded. Downloading the Activities Click on the title to view the activity. Activities are downloaded as PDF files.
Click to download Adobe Reader. CCSS Standard Fourth Grade Reading Literary Text Activities RL.4.1... RL.4.2 RL.4.3...
- CCSS Standard Fifth Grade Reading Literary Text Activities RL.5.1. RL.5.2 RL.5.3..... - © 2012 Florida Center for Reading Research, 2010 Levy Avenue, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL 32310 Comments & broken link reports to.
Reading Literary Text Grades 4-5 Student Center Activities Aligned to the Common Core State Standards Go to: These activities were designed as small group activities to provide students with additional opportunities to practice skills that were previously instructed. Sometimes an activity will be appropriate for reinforcing a standard in multiple grade levels (e.g., one of the activities designed for grades 2–3 may be usable in grade 1). However, the activity may contain materials such as vocabulary or text that is above a first grade reading level. We suggest that teachers adapt the materials to suit their students’ needs (e.g., change the vocabulary to more appropriate words). These activities are designated in the table by an asterisk (*). Coding The standards are coded in the following manner: The first letter(s) designates the strand (e.g., L = Language).